
Thematic column


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发布时间 :2016年05月16日 浏览量 :75



报告人:罗杰 教授 华中农业大学

主持人:张阳 研究员





研究工作主要集中在植物代谢组(特别是次生代谢物)的遗传及生化基础解析方面。主持国家自然科学基金重点项目1项、面上项目3项、国家“973”计划项目课题1项、国家“863”计划项目1项,参加国家“973”、“863”等国家级项目多项。近5年来以(共同)通讯作者身份在Nature Genetics、Nature Communications、PNAS、Current Opinion in Plant Biology、Molecular Plant等国际学术期刊发表SCI论文9篇,目前在该领域的研究处于国际先进水平。多次受邀在相关领域重要国际会议做主题(Keynote)或大会(Plenary)报告,在植物代谢组学领域具有较大的国际影响。



1、 Genome-wide association analyses provide genetic and biochemical insights into natural variation in rice metabolism, 2014, Wei Chen(#), Yanqiang Gao(#), Weibo Xie(#), Liang Gong(#), Kai Lu(#), Wensheng Wang, Yang Li, Xianqing Liu, Hongyan Zhang, Huaxia Dong, Wan Zhang, Lejing Zhang, Sibin Yu, Gongwei Wang, Xingming Lian(*), Jie Luo(*). Nature Genetics

2、 Metabolome-based genome-wide association study of maize kernel leads to novel biochemical insights, 2014, Weiwei Wen(#), Dong Li(#), Xiang Li, Yanqiang Gao, Wenqiang Li Huihui Li, Jie Liu, Haijun Liu, Wei Chen, Jie(*)Luo, Jianbing Yan(*). Nature Communications

3、 Genetic analysis of the metabolome exemplified using a rice population, 2013, Liang Gong(#), Wei Chen(#), Yanqiang Gao(#), Xianqing Liu, Hongyan Zhang, Caiguo Xu, Sibin Yu, Qifa Zhang(*), Jie Luo(*). PNAS

4、 Metabolite-based genome-wide association studies in plants, 2015, Jie Luo(*). Current Opinion in Plant Biology

5、 Spatio-temporal distribution of phenolamides and the genetics of natural variation of hydroxycinnamoyl spermidine in rice, 2015, Xuekui Dong, Yanqiang Gao, Wei Chen, Wensheng Wang, Liang Gong, Xianqing Liu, Jie Luo(*). Molecular Plant

6、 A novel integrated method for large-scale detection, identification, and quantification of widely targeted metabolites: application in the study of rice metabolomics, 2013, Wei Chen, Liang Gong, Zilong Guo, Wensheng Wang, Hongyan Zhang, Xianqing Liu, Sibin Yu, Lizhong Xiong, Jie Luo(*). Molecular Plant

7、 Interaction between carbon metabolism and phosphate accumulation is revealed by a mutation of cellulose synthase-like protein, CSLF6, 2015, Cheng Jin, Chuanying Fang, Hui Yuan, Shouchuang Wang, Yangyang Wu, Xianqing Liu, Yuanyuan Zhang, Jie Luo(*). Journal of Experimental Botany

8、 Comprehensive profiling and natural variation of flavonoids in rice,2014, Dong, Xuekui; Chen, Wei; Wang, Wensheng; Zhang, Hongyan; Liu, Xianqing; Jie Luo(*). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology.