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李 灵

发布时间 :2025年01月20日 浏览量 :342






E-maillingli1980@scu.edu.cn 电话:028-85418926



2024.10 至今:bv伟德国际体育,研究员,博士生导师







李灵,bv伟德国际体育副研究员、博士研究生导师。一直致力于研究功能性lncRNAlncRNA/蛋白质功能性互作、基因表达调控等关键生物分子和关键生物学事件,以及这些生物分子和生物学事件在肿瘤进程中的作用和意义,相关工作发表于Science Advances, Science Signaling, Cell researchPNAS , Seminars in Cancer BiologyPLoS Genetics等学术期刊。其中,2009年发表的PNAS论文阐明了5lncRNA的异常高表达与肿瘤的发生发展密切相关,是国内第一篇解析lncRNA/蛋白质功能性互作的研究性论文。近年来,承担了科技部国家重点研发计划子课题、基金委面上项目、基金委青年项目、伟德国际1946bv官网优秀青年基金等项目;入选第十三批四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选(2021年)、“成都市百人计划”专家(2014年)。


1. 正常生理和病理相关长非编码RNA的发现,及其生物学效应和效应机制研究;

2. 基于lncRNA的新型核酸药物研究



  1. Li D, Wang X, Miao H, Liu H, Pang M, Guo H, Ge M, Glass SE, Emmrich S, Ji S, Zhou Y, Ye X, Mao H, Wang J, Liu Q, Kim T, Klusmann JH, Li C, Liu Z, Jin H, Nie Y, Wu K, Fan D, Song X, Wang X, Li L*, Lu Y, Zhao X. The lncRNA MIR99AHG directs alternative splicing of SMARCA1 by PTBP1 to enable invadopodia formation in colorectal cancer cells. Science Signaling (封面论文), 2023 (IF: 9.517)

  2. Miao H, Wu F, Li Y, Qian C, Zhao Y, Xie M, Dai H, Yao H, Cai H, Wang Q, Song X, Li L*. MALAT1 modulates alternative splicing by cooperating with the splicing factors PTBP1 and PSF. Science Advances, 2022 (IF: 14.957)

  3. Zheng G, Zhao L, Yuan D, Li J, Yang G, Song D, Miao H, Shu L, Mo X, Xu X, Li L*, Song X, Zhao Y. A genetically encoded fluorescent biosensor for monitoring ATP in living cells with heterobifunctional aptamers. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2022 (IF: 12.545)

  4. Li L*, Miao H, Chang Y, Yao H, Zhao Y, Wu F, Song X. Multidimensional crosstalk between RNA-binding proteins and noncoding RNAs in cancer Biology. Semin Cancer Biol, 2021 (IF: 17.012)

  5. Miao H, Wang L, Zhan H, Dai J, Chang Y, Wu F, Liu T, Liu Z, Gao C, Li L*, Song X. A long noncoding RNA distributed in both nucleus and cytoplasm operates in the PYCARD-regulated apoptosis by coordinating the epigenetic and translational regulation. PLoS Genet, 2019 (IF: 6.020)

  6. Chen J#, Li X#, Li L#, Zhang T#, Zhang Q#, Wu F, Wang D, Hu H, Tian C, Liao D, Zhao L, Song D, Zhao Y, Wu C, Song X. Coagulation factors VII, IX and X are effective antibacterial proteins against drug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria. Cell Res, 2019 (IF: 46.297)

  7. Chen H, Du G, Song X, Li L*. Non-coding transcripts from enhancers: new insights into enhancer activity and gene expression regulation. Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics, 2017 (IF: 7.691)

  8. Huang FY#, Li L#, Liu Q#, Li YN, Bai RZ, Huang YH, Zhao HG, Guo JL, Zhou SL, Wang H, Lin YY, Tan GH. Bacterial surface display of endoglin by antigen 43 induces antitumor effectiveness via bypassing immunotolerance and inhibition of angiogenesis. Int J Cancer, 2014 (IF: 7.316)

  9. Qi W, Song X, Li L*. Long non-coding RNA-guided regulation in organisms. Sci China Life Sci, 2013, (IF: 10.372)

  10. Wu CF, Tan GH, Ma CC, Li L*. The non-coding RNA llme23 drives the malignant property of human melanoma cells. J Genet Genomics, 2013 (IF: 5.723)

  11. Li L, Feng T, Lian Y, Zhang G, Garen A, Song X. Role of human noncoding RNAs in the control of tumorigenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2009 (IF: 12.779)