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王 婧

发布时间 :2019年05月30日 浏览量 :44041



联系方式:wangjing2019@scu.edu.cn, jingwang368@126.com


地址:bv伟德国际体育B710, B706



2020-至今 bv伟德国际体育教授

2019-2020 bv伟德国际体育,特聘研究员

2016-2019 挪威生命科学大学,进化遗传学,博士后

2012-2016 瑞典于默奥大学,群体基因组学,博士

2009-2012 兰州大学,分子生态学,硕士

2005-2009 兰州大学,生态学,本科







l 2022年荣获伟德国际1946bv官网重大基础研究成果奖(二类)

l 2020年入选四川省特聘专家

l 2020年荣获伟德国际1946bv官网优秀科技人才奖

l 2017年荣获瑞典研究理事会基金(315万瑞典克朗)

l 2013年荣获瑞典Kempes Minnes奖学金(2万瑞典克朗)

l 2008年获教育部国家奖学金


l 四川省女科技工作者协会理

l Plant Diversity编委

l Journal of Genetics and Genomics青年编委

l Forestry Research青年编委

l 伟德国际1946bv官网学报自然科学版青年编委






(*Correspondence authors, #co-first authors)

1. Sang Y#, Long Z#, Dan X, Feng J, Shi T, Jia C, Zhang X, Lai Q, Yang G, Zhang H, Xu X, Liu H, Jiang Y, Ingvarsson PK, Liu J*, Mao K*, Wang J* (2022). Genomic insights into local adaptation and future climate-induced vulnerability of a keystone forest tree in East Asia. Nature Communications. 13: 6541. (IF5-year=17.76)

2. Liu S#, Zhang L#, Sang Y, Lai Q, Zhang X, Jia C, Long Z, Wu J, Ma T, Mao K, Street K, Ingvarsson PK, Liu J, Wang J* (2022). Demographic history and natural selection shape patterns of deleterious mutation load and barriers to introgression across Populus genome. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 39(2): msac008. (IF5-year=20.07)

3. Wang J*, Street NR, Park EJ, Liu JQ, Ingvarsson K (2020). Evidence for   widespread selection in shaping the genomic landscape during speciation of Populus. Molecular Ecology. 29(6): 1120-1136. (IF5-year=6.89)

4. Wang J*, Ding J, Tan B, Robinson KM, Michelson IH, Johansson A, Nystedt B, Scofield DG, Nilsson O, Jansson S, Street NR, Ingvarsson PK* (2018). A major locus controls local adaptation and adaptive life history variation in a perennial plant. Genome Biology. 19: 72 (IF5-year=20.36)

5. Lin YC#, Wang J#, Delhomme N#, Schiffthaler B, Sundström G, Zuccolo A, Nystedt B, Hvidsten TR, de la Torre A, Cossu R, Hoppner M, Lantz H, Scofield DG, Zamani N, Johansson A, Mannapperuma C, Robinson KM, Mähler N, Leitch I, Pellicer J, Park EJ, Montagu MV, Van der Peer V, Grabherr M, Jansson S, Ingvarsson K, Street NR*. Functional and evolutionary genomic inferences in Populus through genome and population sequencing of American and European aspen (2018). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 115 (46): E10970-E10978. (IF5-year=13.45)

6. Wang J, Street NR, Scofield D, Ingvarsson PK* (2016). Variation in linked selection and recombination drive genomic divergence during allopatric speciation of European and American aspens. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 33:1754-1767. (IF5-year=20.07)

7. Wang J, Street NR, Scofield D, Ingvarsson PK* (2016). Natural selection and recombination rate variation shape nucleotide polymorphism across the genomes of three related Populus species. Genetics. 202: 1185-1200. (IF5-year=4.79)

8. Wang J, Scofield D, Street NR, Ingvarsson PK* (2015). Variant calling using NGS data in European aspen (Populus tremula). Book chapter for “Advances in the Understanding of Biological Sciences using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Approaches”. Ed. by Sablok, G., Kumar, S., Ueno, S., Kuo, J., Varotto, C. Springer, IBSN: 978-3-319-17156-2. Pp 43-61.

9. Wang J, Abbott RJ, Ingvarsson PK, Liu JQ (2014). Increased genetic divergence between two closely related fir species in areas of range overlap. Ecology and Evolution 4: 1019-1029. (IF5-year=3.45)

10. Wang J, Abbott RJ, Peng YL, Du FK, Liu JQ (2011). Species delimitation and biogeography of two fir species (Abies) in central China: cytoplasmic DNA variation. Heredity 107: 362-370. (IF5-year=4.41)